
Freewireless/freerefill not only provides wireless to its customers, it will also take over the painstaking organization of your agenda and To Do's, will organize the easiest way of travel to your next destination, will check your social security, and much more — making sure you don't miss a bit of your free refill!

To purchase the software which enables you to fully enjoy the benefits of Freewireless/freerefill, please complete the following form* (in English).


First Name:

Family name:

Mother's original name:


Street & number:




Passport Number:

Contact Information

Cell Phone Number:

Cell Phone PIN Code:


E-mail login:

E-mail password:

Personal Computer Login Name:

Personal Computer Login Password:

Personal Data


Social Status:

Current Occupation:

Social Security Number:

Blood Group:

Sexual Orientation:

Family Doctor Name:


Political Views:

Personal Preferences

Favorite Color:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Animal:

Favorite TV show:

Favorite Movie:

Favorite Musical Genre:

Favorite Game:

Favorite Drug:

Favorite Sexual Position:

Main reason for visiting FreeWireless/FreeRefill:

free wireless
free coffee
use of toilets
business meeting
a date with:
waiting for:

How did you hear about Freewireless/freerefill?

other person:
a website: 
a publication:
at an event:

How did you arrive here?


Intended length of stay (in number of coffees):

Reason(s) for not staying longer:

Will you come again?

If so, why?

If not, why not?

In order to help us improve our customer service and that of our associates, please also provide the following information:

Do you have a criminal record?

If so, please list your convictions:

Do you have a history of mental instability?

If so, please specify:

Do you have a history of substance abuse?

If so, please list all relevant substances
in alphabetic order:

Is there anything that is not mentioned in this questionnaire that you feel we should be aware of?

  *) Note: all fields are required.

Preferred payment method:

   Mastercard   American Express

Creditcard Name:
Creditcard Number:
Expiration Date:
Security Code:
PIN code: